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проблема с флэш-игрой Angry Birds 2
16 августа 2020     йелужим     нужно срочное решение?
Флэш-игра Angry Birds 2
Hello! I am writing to you again in the hope of getting an adequate and fair operator. I will describe my problem from the very beginning, after your next update, due to a bad connection, I could not connect to my Facebook account and I lost progress. I wrote for a long time waiting for an answer and now one of your operators replied that he would help return everything, send gifts for a long time that I was without a game, but he did not succeed in something, so I wrote again your other operator apparently did not want to mess around for a long time and he just blocked me, supposedly it seemed like a scam. I reviewed all the rules of the game, I did not break them, I have been playing honestly for the second year, I bought rubies, even bought for money.
I tried to win in the arena, collected legendary hats, passed over two thousand levels. Your third employee came to meet me and quickly restored my progress, although he saw the blockage, as you understand? I don’t know what seemed suspicious to you, and judging by the reviews, I’m not the only one, you do not understand much. The only thing I played from the second device was when the phone went down, but in the rules this is allowed. I was very offended, I was blocked unfairly, please unblock me. I hope for your adequacy. My id is 210812255699

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